About Us

Our Mission

Let Congress Know was founded on the principle that We the People are the authority over our elected officials, that they are accountable to us, not to their political party, special interest group, or lobbying organizations. We the People deserve to know the facts on issues, not a political opinion.

Communicating with our Representatives should be easy, so that you can Let Congress Know your thoughts on any topic. We have the Right to express ourselves to Congress, and that Right should be exercised frequently and shared with everyone. We believe that responsible Americans should be the main voice that our politicians listen to, and that is exactly what we do.

Our Vision

Our goal is to empower every responsible American with a simple way to voice their opinion to their elected officials. Our vision is to have millions of Americans communicating with their Representatives and letting them know exactly what they think about the issues that affect them, their family and their businesses, A voice so loud that our elected officials cannot ignore it. We the People can be silent no more!