It’s Time to Hold Congress Accountable
Learn about the Bills and Issues that affect you, your family, and your business.
Write to your Representatives right there, right now, when it matters most, before they vote!
Speak up and Let Congress Know
Did you know that in 2023 there were 12,923 Registered Lobbyist groups in Washington D.C. Who is your Representative listening to? Congress listens to the loudest voices, join us and make yours heard, not some lobby organization who only has their own interest in mind.
Start holding Congress accountable, become a force multiplier and Let Congress Know!
Imagine Americans telling their Representatives exactly what they think about the issues that affect them. Congress has proven that they won’t hold themselves accountable, We the People must do it.
Let Congress Know just made it easier
Learn how we make it fast, simple & easy to ‘Let Congress Know‘ clicking the video below